Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Done! I did it! All me!

My second act is done. I pretty much BSed the whole thing so that I would have something to pass in. I'm hoping for some ideas for my climax from the rest of class because right now I feel like it SUCKS.

At least it's done, ne?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hahahaha, yeah... about that...

My second act is DEFINITELY not going to be done for tomorrow.
This is going to be the first assignment I pass in late for that class.
I feel like skipping tomorrow. But I kind of like Creative Writing. All of my BFFs are in there, and we're watching a TV show.
I wish we could watch more things in Playwriting :P

However, I at least have the first scene of my second act done! Only two or three more to go...

Monday, November 10, 2008

Update Number 2

I'm having a really hard time writing my second act of A Land Where They Don't Eat Meat (or 4 Out of 5 Kats Prefer Lesbians).
Mostly because I freaking hate my play.
Which is mostly because of all the bashing done to it when my first act was read.
But also because I guess I'm a horrible playwright.
I'm a horrible everything.
Whatever, I'll B.S. the whole thing, and turn my ears off when everyone starts bashing it.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


We read the first act of my play out loud in Playwriting today.
I freaking hate it!
It sounds so terrible when people are reading it.
And everyone kept bashing on how awful my "world" is.
I want to throw it away.
But I can't because I have to do the rest of the acts for it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Land Where They Don't Eat Meat - Act One

A Land Where They Don't Eat Meat
by Becca Havu

Female: Katherine (lesbian, in love with Mikayla)
Mikayla (straight[?], in Katherine's American History class, member of the GSA, crush on Benny)
Mrs. Gardener (teaches American History)
Mrs. Floy (GSA advisor)
Rachel (Mikayla's friend)
Janet (in Kat's Bio class, has a crush on Kat)

Male: Bobby (Kat's BFF, gay. member of the GSA)
John - Jock (loudest Jock, homophobe)
Anthony - Jock (homophobe, a little less loud than John)
Benny - Jock (not as much of a homophobe, most quiet of the Jocks)
Mikey (member of the GSA, bisexual)

Others: classmates, GSA members (non speaking except for ad-lib)

A small school in a rural town in the middle of Connecticut
An American History classroom, a GSA room, a Hallway (The classroom and GSA room can be the same room, and be transformed while all students are in the hallway.)

Modern day (early 2000's)

Act One

Scene One

[Lights up on an American History classroom. In the class are: Katherine, Mikayla, The Jocks, and Mrs. Gardener (optional: other classmates). The Jocks all sit together, Mikayla sits near Benny, Kat sits far apart from the group. The Jocks are talking while the teacher is writing on the board. Jocks (and classmates) can ad-lib before speaking their lines. Gardener pays attention to the Jock's banter but does not interject. Kat can hear them, and is uncomfortable. Mikayla frowns at them.]

Check out the new shoes I got. [shows John and Benny his feet]

Dude, where did you get those? [laughs] They're so gay!

They are not! They're freaking Nike's, you faggot. [the jocks laugh]

Okay, guys, now we're going to be looking at World War two. [continues to speak about the beginning of WWII]

[pulls out a diary and begins to write. All background noise fades. Lights fade, and put Katherine in a spotlight. This happens every time she begins to write in her diary and everything goes back to normal when she's done]
Dear Diary, my name is Katherine, and I'm in love with a girl in my American History class. [looks over at Mikayla. Bells rings. Jocks, Mikayla, and classmates ad-lib while exiting. Katherine leaves last. Lights fade]

Scene Two

[Hallway. Bobby is by his locker, putting away books. Jocks walk by him, John gives him a little shove. Bobby ignores them. Mikayla walks by with her friend Rachel]

I can't believe you're going to that gay club tonight.

It's called the Gay-Straight Alliance, anyone can go.

Whatever. It's weird.


Because... I dunno, it's full of gay people.


Why do you even want to go to that?

Because I have to join something. And I like the people there.

Whatever. [They exit]
[Katherine enters and walks over to Bobby]

Hey Kat, how was American History?

Awful. Those jocks wouldn't stop using homophobic slurs.

You mean Johnny, Anthony and Benny?

Yeah, except Benny didn't really say much.

I don't think he's as bad as the others. [Bobby goes back to putting books in his locker]

[writing in her diary]
Bobby has been my best friend since first grade. He's the one who gave me this diary, he told me to write down all of my thoughts. He's been a great friend to me. We went out in middle school, when we both thought we had to be attracted to the opposite sex. We were each other's first kiss. It's weird, because we're both actually gay.

What're you writing?

Nothing, no peeking. This is private.

Sorry. You still coming to the Gay-Straight Alliance meeting tonight?

Of course, I told you I would.

I know, I was just making sure. You were kind of shy about it before.

Yeah, but not anymore.

I heard Mikayla might be joining.



That's... awesome.

Do you still have a crush on her?

Are you kidding me? I can't even stand it anymore. Being in that classroom, so near to that beautiful, wonderful girl, but too far away at the same time. Separated by a blockade of jocks, jumping for a chance to call me a "fag". I can't help that my mind always wanders to her. It isn't my fault that the sound of her voice makes me weak. I'm not to blame just because I have a mad, irrevocable crush on her. But what can I do? I can't do anything while she's surrounded by those homophobic breeders. Physical violence isn't beyond them, I've seen it happen. [pause. Kat looks over at Bobby who is looking away at that last comment. He seems to be remembering something tragic] Sorry.

No worries. What are you going to do about it?

What can I do?

Well, she's going to be in GSA tonight. Let's just see what happens.

Yeah, okay, let's do that. [They exit. Lights fade]

Scene Three

[The GSA's meeting room. In the room are Mrs. Floy, Mikayla, Mikey, and other GSA members. The chairs are in a bit of a semi-circle so they can all see each other. Katherine and Bobby enter. Katherine finds a seat that isn't right next to Mikayla, Bobby sits down with her]

So guys, we got two new members today. [looks at Mikayla and Katherine] Why don't you introduce yourselves?

Um... well, I'm Mikayla. I'm a Sophomore. Hm... I joined because I think it's unfair the way people who don't like people of the opposite sex get treated like crap, even though by now we've gotten over racism. [Mrs. Floy nods and looks at Katherine. Bobby nudges Kat]

[clears her throat]
I-I'm Katherine... you can call me Kat. I'm a Sophomore, too. [looks at Mrs. Floy and shrugs]

Why did you join, Kat?

Because I told Bobby I would. And [pauses uncertainly] because I'm a lesbian.

Very good. Have you had to deal with any homophobia?

[half laughs]
Yeah. There are a bunch of guys in my American History class that are always using really homophobic words, and I think they know... And it's so annoying.

Ugh, I hate those guys! I wish they would shut their mouths. I keep wanting to say something. I mean, it's not like they would say the "n" word, so why would they say something like "faggot"?

That's a very good point. Perhaps you should say something, at least to see what they would do.

Well, what can I say?

How about... "Hey, that's really offensive, do you think you could stop saying that?"

I've tried saying that to some people, and they tell me that they have freedom of speech.

That is such crap! You're just asking them to be nice and have some manners. I mean, why do they say those kinds of things anyway? Like, does it make them feel good to make others feel bad?

I think it's sort of like how animals reject other animals that are different. You see it all the time in the animal kingdom. They do it to make sure their species will evolve better, or something. Because animals that don't reproduce are kind of stopping that evolution. Like any other animal with a defect would be rejected.

Well, I- [stops, suddenly unsure]

Go ahead, Kat.

Uh, well, I was just gonna say that there was this one time our cat had five kittens. It was a long time ago, and it was so strange 'cuz all of them had the same black fur with white paws, except for one who was all white. And the other kitties didn't seem to like her, kind of like Mikey said. They would reject her. But you could tell she really wanted to play with them, especially with this one cat in particular. I'm not sure what happened, but eventually Sunny, the white cat, got to her, and they started playing together all the time. I mean, they were so inseperable that when the litter was old enough to be sold, we decided to keep them that way we could make sure they were never split up. And it just seemed so strange to me, because at first was this... [searching for the right word] animal instinct they had that the white kitten was different, but one of them was able to overcome that, and they were like best friends. And I guess I always thought that people rejecting other people because they were different was just like an animal instinct thing, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible for them to get over that and accept someone who's different. At least, I really hope they can. [shrugs and looks around]

That was a really cute story, Kat. But now it looks like it's time to go home. Let's put the seats back before we go. [everyone gets up to move their seats back to the desks. Mikayla walks over to Kat]

Hey, I never knew you felt so strongly about this stuff. I think it's really cool.

Thanks. I was kinda surprised that you did, too.

Yeah, I was kind of getting sick of listening to those assholes in American History being all homophobic.

Then how come you always sit with them?

[shrugs] They're not so bad. I mean, Benny is pretty okay about that kind of thing. Well, I gotta go, I'll see you in American History. [waves to Kat as she leaves]

[goes over to Kat and nudges her shoulder]
Huh? Huh?


Come on, this is huge.

I guess.

She didn't say she didn't like girls.

You're right. [Lights fade]

Imaginary Friends - Theme Through Conflict Beat

[Scene is Billy's bedroom. Neil is in there playing with toys. Billy enters]

Neil: Hey Billy, you're home from school! Let's play dinosaurs.
Billy: [not meeting Neil's eyes] I can't.
Neil: Why not? [pause as Neil studies Billy's distraught expression] What's wrong?
Billy: I can't play with you anymore Neil...
Neil: Why?
Billy: Because you're just my imaginary friend!
Neil: Just your imaginary friend? Billy, we've been friends for five years, you can't-
Billy: I have to! I have to grow up.
Neil: You can grow up, and we can still play together.
Billy: No, we can't. You're not real, you're just imaginary.
Neil: Just because I'm imaginary doesn't mean I'm not real.
Billy: [scoffs] That's the most stupid thing-
Neil: Just listen to me! I'm real enough to you, aren't I? You know what I look like and how I would react to something and you play with me everyday. I'm the one who helps you with your homework and I'm the one you talk to about your parents and teacher and friends. I'm real to you.
Billy: No you aren't. You're not real! You can't pick up toys that are real, and nothing real can touch you! [picks up some action figures and throws one at Neil for every word he says next. None of the toys hit Neil] You. Aren't. Real!

[Neil collapses on the floor crying as Billy throws two last toys that both fail to hit. Neil gets up and runs out of the room. Billy crawls into his bed and covers himself completely with the covers. Lights fade.]

"Dear John" Plot Beat

I got a 100 on this =]

[Jane is walking around the room seeming anxious]

Jane: John is going to be expecting a letter. At least he doesn't know what's in the letter yet. I can't believe I was actually going to leave him by writing him a letter! We've been together for 11 years, the least I can do it say it in person. [She takes the letter off the table and puts it in the table drawer, but doesn't close the drawer] I'll put it in there for now, and put my new letter in its place so John won't be suspicious. [She takes out the new letter and places it on the edge of the table, then leaves. Johnny, 10, walks/runs in and knocks the card off the table]

Johnny: Oops!

[Thinking it fell into the open drawer, he takes out the break-up letter and puts it on the table, closes the drawer, and gets food out of the fridge. The non-breakup letter lies unnoticed under the table. John enters]

John: I'm home! [Johnny runs over to see him]
Johnny: Daddy Daddy Daddy! Wanna see the new Nerf gun I got?
John: [laughs] Sure.
Johnny: Okay! [runs into his room to get it. John looks around and finds the letter he was expecting. He opens it and begins to read out loud]

John: "Dear John. I'm leaving you. It's not that I don't care for you, it's that I don't love you anymore and can't be with you"...

[Johnny runs out and shoot his dad with his Nerf gun. End]

Pregnancy - Exposition

So far this is my favorite beat that I've written for playwriting class. Mostly because everyone hated me for it. =]

[Mother is taking out the trash in the bathroom. She smells something gross in the trash and makes a disgusted noise. She looks in the trash and drops it, still staring at it.]

Mom: Bill! Come in here quick!

[Dad enters calmly]

Dad: What is it?
Mom: Look in the trash!

[Dad does so]

Dad: What the hell is that?
Mom: It looks like an unborn baby fetus.
Dad: Is it yours?
Mom: No!
Dad: Then it must be our daughter's.
Mom: But she wasn't pregnant.... Or was she?
Dad: She was puking an awful lot.
Mom: She missed her period.
Dad: She's been having sex.
Mom: Lots of sex.
Dad: We better go talk to her about this. [They exit]

Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

[On stage there is a boy (Boy) and a girl (Girl 1), with another first (Girl 2) between them. Girl 2 looks frightened and fragile. When Boy and Girl 1 speak, their tones are teasing and bullying]

Boy: Now she's afraid to come out of the water, and I wonder what she's gonna do. Now she's afraid to come out of the water, and the poor little girl's turnin' blue.
Girl 1: One, two, three, four, tell the people what she wore!
Boy: It was an itsy bitsy-
Girl 1: Teeny weeny!
Boy: Yellow polka dot bikini that she wore for the first time today.
Girl 1: An itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow polka dot bikini, so in the water she wanted to stay.
Boy: From the locker to the blanket.
Girl 1: From the blanket to the shore.
Boy: From the shore to the water-

[Suddenly Girl 2 pulls out a gun and shoots Boy and Girl 1, they fall to the ground, dead. Girl 2 waits]

Girl 2:
Guess there isn't anymore.

Do you support?

Because you should.

My Xanga

bekkathebaka@xanga.com is my personal blog. I'm going to try and keep this one pretty impersonal and post my works, like all the cool kids are doing. ;]

So if you want my Xanga, go here. If you're into that stuff.
Let me warn you, it isn't pretty. Just pretty boring.

Dr. Horrible

Anyone who is into plays/movies/tv shows/musicals
should watch Dr. Horrible.
It's the best thing ever.
I can't even begin to explain it to you.

Dr. Horrible's Sing A Long Blog

It's great.

The First Good Thing I Ever Created

I dunno what to call it. "Once Upon a Pretty Little Day" I guess.
I thought it up while I was staring at a flower painting on my wall.

There was a pretty little girl who sat under a pretty little tree
Holding a pretty little flower in her pretty little hand
She began to pluck the pretty little petals off the pretty little flower
"He loves me."
One yellow petal fell to the ground.
"He loves me not."
Another yellow petal, lying in the grass
The pretty little girl continued to pluck off the pretty little petals
Until the last one fell
Ending on "He loves me not."
And the pretty little girl, lying under the pretty little tree
Had only an ugly little flower
In her pretty little hand.