Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Imaginary Friends - Theme Through Conflict Beat

[Scene is Billy's bedroom. Neil is in there playing with toys. Billy enters]

Neil: Hey Billy, you're home from school! Let's play dinosaurs.
Billy: [not meeting Neil's eyes] I can't.
Neil: Why not? [pause as Neil studies Billy's distraught expression] What's wrong?
Billy: I can't play with you anymore Neil...
Neil: Why?
Billy: Because you're just my imaginary friend!
Neil: Just your imaginary friend? Billy, we've been friends for five years, you can't-
Billy: I have to! I have to grow up.
Neil: You can grow up, and we can still play together.
Billy: No, we can't. You're not real, you're just imaginary.
Neil: Just because I'm imaginary doesn't mean I'm not real.
Billy: [scoffs] That's the most stupid thing-
Neil: Just listen to me! I'm real enough to you, aren't I? You know what I look like and how I would react to something and you play with me everyday. I'm the one who helps you with your homework and I'm the one you talk to about your parents and teacher and friends. I'm real to you.
Billy: No you aren't. You're not real! You can't pick up toys that are real, and nothing real can touch you! [picks up some action figures and throws one at Neil for every word he says next. None of the toys hit Neil] You. Aren't. Real!

[Neil collapses on the floor crying as Billy throws two last toys that both fail to hit. Neil gets up and runs out of the room. Billy crawls into his bed and covers himself completely with the covers. Lights fade.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, so sad. This is good.